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Who Did Cain Marry?

 This question has been the question many ask and still get no answers to them. Who did Cain, son of Adam marry? I am not going to tell you I have the right answer to this question but what I can tell you is something that is more reasonable than what you have heard in the past on reading in different blogs on the internet.

The question, what woman did Cain marry often is left unanswered and this lets people question the authenticity of the Bible. People often say if Cain and Abel (2 males including their parents) were the only ones on earth how did Cain get married to another human? Did God create some other people at a different place and provide for Cain a wife? That would be absurd. Now, scripture says God created Adam and Eve. This is what is written, and there is no mention of God creating anyone else going through all of the creation processes like He did Adam and Eve. Everyone after Adam and Eve, including you and I, were made, of course in God’s image but through the process of birthing by God’s design.

So the thought of God creating some female just like He did the first man and woman for Cain does not hold much water. What is the logical conclusion we can arrive at? Let’s look at these passages from the scriptures for it is from there we can find answers to questions like these.

Genesis 4:14 – Behold, You have driven me this day from the face of the ground; and from Your face, I will be hidden, and I will be a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”

Cain says WHOEVER. Then this simply means there were more than 4 people on earth. “Whoever” could simply mean any person or stranger. And if there were only 4 people on earth and a minus one (Abel whom Cain murdered) then there would be no reason for Cain or the bible to use the word – whoever. This only means there were more than 4 people on planet earth

Genesis 4:16 – “Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.”

I bet Cain met people in the land of Nod. I’m sure the earth was not that much populated like it is today but still people were in the land of Nod. What people, how many people? The bible does not mention it.

Adam was 130 when he gave birth to Seth. Seth was brought forth after Cain and Abel. Adam lived to be 930 years! In Genesis 5 we notice Adam had other sons and daughters.  My best understanding is that the murder of Abel happened decades—perhaps many years—after Cain and Abel were born. It is very likely that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters before and after Seth was born.

Ancient genealogies very often only mention offspring directly related to the story at hand, so we would not necessarily expect the Bible to spell out every child of Adam and Eve. It's very possible, by the time we get to Cain's wife, that there were other sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, who themselves had children and perhaps grandchildren. With such a long reproductive cycle, the population of the earth could have increased exponentially over several hundred years.

The point is that Cain likely married a sister or one of many nieces or even grandnieces. This early in human history, intermarrying with one's direct sibling would not have carried the genetic risks it does now. It was not forbidden by God; in fact, it would have been the only option for populating the earth.

Did I answer your question? If you have any questions regarding this, please leave them in the comment box. Bless you.



  1. Your take on the this is very profund. The age of Adam(930) before dying gives it more reasonable grounds as to where the many other people came from. Man Adam died at age 930. That's sex for 930 years. Man is surely going to give birth to many and this was where the concept of abortion or coitus interuptus wasn't a thing.

    This article makes much sense. Kudos

    1. LOL. That's not sex for 930 years. But that is of course a major reason for having lots of children.


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