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Showing posts from December, 2021

5 Words/Terms Every Christian Ought To Know

  There is a lot to be studied in Christendom and I will want you to know some words that are used on a daily basis that are not so difficult to understand and knowing these can enhance your ability to study and share the gospel with all.   I will not go in-depth to explain what these words mean but I will give you an overview, and you go on to do the rest of the work, for studies is good for your soul especially if it is from the Lord God. Justification: This is the action of being declared righteous in the sight of God because of Christ’s atonement for sin on the cross. In other words, we are saved/justified because of Christ’s finished work on the cross. Sanctification: I believe you have heard this many times. As a Christian, after being justified by God because of Christ’s finished work on the cross, the Holy Spirit aids in your sanctification, in other words, the Holy Spirit helps you to live set apart for Him. In simple terms, to live a holy life is to live in sanctif

Who Did Cain Marry?

  This question has been the question many ask and still get no answers to them. Who did Cain, son of Adam marry? I am not going to tell you I have the right answer to this question but what I can tell you is something that is more reasonable than what you have heard in the past on reading in different blogs on the internet. The question, what woman did Cain marry often is left unanswered and this lets people question the authenticity of the Bible. People often say if Cain and Abel (2 males including their parents) were the only ones on earth how did Cain get married to another human? Did God create some other people at a different place and provide for Cain a wife? That would be absurd. Now, scripture says God created Adam and Eve. This is what is written, and there is no mention of God creating anyone else going through all of the creation processes like He did Adam and Eve. Everyone after Adam and Eve, including you and I, were made, of course in God’s image but through the proces