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Showing posts from October, 2021

Morning Thoughts

It becomes a problem when Christianity is made to be a thing about self-gain. To be able to have our own salvation through our works, seeing God as some genie, whatever success we have, we ascribe to our glory... What is the glory of man? So so fleeting, yet we cherish it more. Why do we not look to the old prophets, the apostles, the early Church? Why do we not look to the sufferings of the early Church and jubilate, as they worked on earth, seeking their rewards in eternity? Paul, knowing what was ahead, run the race, and said, "Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us." (Rom 8:18). Could it be that men of today do not know where they are heading as Christians? And do not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? (James 4:4).  Could we not offer our lives as living sacrifices (Rom 12:1) and rhetorically ask, "shall not the lamb that was slain receive the suffering of His reward?"  Or we're to face

The First Temptation (Selfish Desire)

And after He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry . And the tempter came and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread .” But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘ Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God .’ ” Matthew 4:2‭-‬4 NASB1995 The devil tempted Jesus with bread (food) because he knew Jesus had a desire for it at the time. After not eating for 40 days & nights, our Lord was hungry. And the tempter tempted Him with food. Telling Jesus Christ to turn stones into bread. As a man, he was tempted. Where did the temptation come from? From his desire (James 1:14). Jesus did not give in to this. He delayed gratification. He knew not falling for this temptation will mean he not carrying out His purpose. His answer to the tempter was this, "man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Man shall not live by satisfyi

"Jesus," The Name Of A Slave Ship?

One of the first two English slave ships to carry West Africans to the New World was named Jesus. Jesus of Lübeck. Its captain was Sir John Hawkins, known as the first English slave trader. Now, it is believed, or it's historically true that this ship was one of the first to ever land the shores of West Africa to carry slaves from here to the western world. According to journalist Michael Eli Dokosi, Sir John Hawkins persuaded West Africans to gain salvation by boarding the Good Ship Jesus.  Now, let's talk a little about the ship.  Jesus of Lübeck was a carrack built in the Free City of Lübeck in the early 16th century. Around 1540 the ship, which had mostly been used for representative purposes, was acquired by Henry VIII, King of England, to augment (increase) his fleet (warships).  The ship saw action during the French invasion of the Isle of Wight (Island in England) in 1545. She along with Samson were used in an unsuccessful attempt to raise Henry VIII’s flagship, Mary Ro

Photographers, How To Get Your Models (Clients) To Be On Time

Wait time fee is a per-minute charge which starts a few minutes after a driver arrives at your location and continues until the driver starts the trip. The fee helps to compensate for the driver’s efforts and time spent waiting. This is what modern taxis do. What I mean by modern taxis is the new transport services with the use of technology like Uber, Bolt, Yango and Taxify. You compensate the driver when you delay, or to simply put, you are charged a fee when you delay. As the old saying goes: “Time is money.” The Lombardi Time Vince Lombardi, the football coach was known for his punctuality. Lombardi time was defined as “fifteen minutes before the scheduled time.” If the bus was scheduled to leave at 9:00am, all the players were trained to be there at 8:45am. If you weren’t there, the bus would leave without you. How Can Photographers Practice This Simple. Make sure you communicate this in your contract or when you are speaking to any potential client. Be a pro! Make it known that


Hey man! What do you mean? This is what most people have known their entire lives and they will fight (at worst) to defend this point. Salvation does not come by praying in some creed. Imagine if being saved came by reciting the apostles' creed. Doesn't match up, right? It's the same thing here, salvation does not happen because you repeated a prayer after some pastor in your church. In the church I used to be at, it was a normalcy. Every Sunday, there was an altar call. A call to save people from their sins by reciting the sinners' prayer, and after this is done, the preacher declares you saved. Interesting, because I thought only God could declare us saved. This is basically it: "Say with me" the preacher leading the congregation will say, "Lord Jesus" and the audience who responded to his altar call will repeat after him, "Lord Jesus." Then he will continue, "I invite you into my heart... Satan, I am no longer yours, I belong to God


 She walks into my class with her granddaughter, and after signalling her to her desk she came to me, "Sir, good morning. Please I want you to take care of my child and I will reward you." Of course, she did not say this in English but Twi, that morning she got me a bottle of Malt. Right after the words came out of her mouth, I'm sure I SCREAMED in my head. "WHAT? Am I the one to raise your child? I came to work, not to babysit!" I was raised in this system, and most of us were, so we do not have a problem with it. I mean we were raised in and by this school system; leaving home at 8am and back by 3pm( mostly for nursery pupils),  leaving at 6:30am and back home by 4:30pm for primary students and finally at the JHS level, reporting to school at 5am and close at 5pm. If you are Ghanaian, you can attest to this fact. We had teachers raising us and not our parents. We had the school system setting rules and laws for us and not our parents. Our parents were practic


The family is one institution that is looked down upon in recent years. We have the dad who is not responsible, and we have the mom who abandons her children for some job. We call it modernity. Everything has been turned upside down. Apologies for not having a catchy introduction I like to get to the point.  What is the problem with today's family system and where did it start? It's high time folks who are in their 20s take marriage and the family serious. If you are a boy or girl, and you're in your 20s (early or mid) here's your chance. The probability of you not knowing anything about marriage and the family is quite high. You did not have a father at home, you did not have a mother who loved that much, and you know nothing beautiful about the family. Some even were brought up in a broken home. had bad examples as role models and are repeating that cycle. Know this, when there are divorces from every marriage in your family, it is not a generational curse . Don't


Right now, I'm reading a book by renowned public speaker John C. Maxwell, titled: Today Matters. Today matters don't it? We all would say yes but rarely pay attention to today. We rarely pay attention to today's events, our goals for today and whatever we have now. We like to focus on the past which is gone and cannot be brought back. We like to focus on the future which only causes us anxiety and forget about today. Today is a gift and we ought to live in it. Focus on today, the now. Tomorrow's success can be found in what you do today. In the second chapter of this book, page 52, John Maxwell wrote this; "My father retired in his mid-seventies, but he has spent his entire life in public speaking." This line caught my eye. This is not to say mothers do not play a vital role in the home. They certainly do! Nobody is going to negate that and certainly not I. I'm only sharing what I saw in a book. Children look up to their parents. they watch what the fathe