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Showing posts from September, 2021


 We live in a world that constantly pressures the young to find their life's calling or vocation. In a world saturated with motivational gurus on the internet, we are always bombarded with finding our purposes, finding our talents (gifts) and finding our passions. Which is which? What should we find? Purpose, passion or talent? Can these things be found?  TALENT: Not long after I became a photographer, a friend said to me, "you're lucky you have found your talent." First of all, I do not think I'm a talented photographer, I think I'm a learning photographer. But I responded, "we all have some talent. And you are the best salesperson I know."  With this response, how do I define talent? I define talent as a skill we do with less effort as people use much effort to learn or do what you do. Some are born dancers does not mean they know every move. They learn every move they want but with more ease as compared to the individual who is not talented as th


We live in a world where it is not impossible to be a renaissance person. What does it mean to be a renaissance person? The renaissance is associated with people who could and can do more than one thing very well especially when it comes to the arts. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Pablo Picasso are some of the few names that have been associated with the renaissance period. They were the universal men. The renaissance men of the past were men who were specialized in more than a thing. I know artists who think being an artist means sticking to one thing for the rest of your life. No, you can explore more and do more providing you have the skill and knowledge. I made a post on Instagram about photographers refusing to be called photographers because they think being called a photographer does not mean being an artist. In this post, I explained that being a photographer means being an artist, a visual artist for that matter. I got a comment from a photographer friend who said "I


Quick Question: Why do you exist? We live in a world that likes to talk so much about purpose. We like to ask, why. Why do we do it that way? Why is it not this? What is the purpose of this kettle... So many whys, but have we sat down for a minute to ask ourselves - why do we exist? Why do I exist? What is my purpose in life? What is my purpose in life as a Christian? Now, I'm going to list a couple of verses to be sure, but before that, I'll like to rant .   This generation is very big on purpose and it's lovely to see it, honestly, as people want to know why they live, why they should work this job or that job. How about the Christian? How should he live? Again, remember, like I've stated in the previous articles, a Christian person is a different person. he is not what he used to be (loving the things of the world). The Word of God makes that clear saying, "if a man is in Christ, he is a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17). Now, let's take a verse.  You have been bo


Who are you dependent on? Who is in control of your life? You? Something else, or God? Ever heard the phrase, "nature abhors vacuum?" Who are you a slave to? I know I ask many questions, please bear with me. Nobody is truly free, God alone is free. What and to who have you given your life? The idea of freedom does not exist. When people talk about being free this is what they really mean:  I don't want anyone lording over me. I want to live without boundaries . They mean let me live my life. Anyone who is trying to direct me for the better is an oppressor, including the infinite God! We are all tied to something, to some idea of how we want our lives to be like. This alone shows how captivated we are by presenting some outlook .  I love this verse in the book of Psalms - I lift up my eyes to the mountain, where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of Heaven and Earth! What we note in the book of Psalm is the level of dependency by it


Fame has got its upsides and downsides . Why do you want fame, to become a full-time artist? Are you not sure you're boxing yourself and not having enough courage to pursue artistry? First of all, what is fame? Is it hard to come by in 2021? Does it have advantages and what are the downsides? Fame: The state of being known and talked about by many people, especially if you have achieved something worthwhile . Actors are famous because they played a role in a movie that moved a million of an audience, and they played their roles well. This is worthy of recognition and this comes with many advantages.  If you are famous enough you can get to win lots of deals with most giant companies which means lots of cash for your bank account. All artists want to be known for something. The artist who is not known is tantamount to not existing. In the days of old, or even during the renaissance period, artists who were famous did something quite remarkable. It was difficult at the time to gain


I believe most Christians are familiar with Paul's statement to the church in his letter to the Philippians "be anxious for nothing" (4:6-8). But how much do we practice this? Do we even practice this in any capacity? In the blog before this one, I make clear that the Christian is different from the person of the world, and he ought to give himself wholly to God as we are urged to do in Romans 12 by the mercies of God. Why is the Christian anxious? We are commanded in scripture not to be anxious but to devote ourselves to prayer. Most times we are held back to devote ourselves to prayer because we have not devoted our lives to God. We are still in the driving seat. We do not want to let go and let God take the steering wheel. We think we know enough about driving when all we do is wreck our souls and bodies. We never want to lose control. We want to be "lords" of our lives.  This reminds me of Carrie Underwood's song — Jesus Take The Wheel. She


What does it mean to be a Christian? Are we to be the same as the world, live like the world, dress like the world, listen to the music of the world? Well, if you have been a Christian long enough you will know that friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4:4) .  How should Christians live in today's world? The Christian is a new person and ought to live differently compared to the way the world lives (2 Cor. 5:17) . The world hates Christians . The Christian is to be found in a community of believers, even a country of his own - he is a foreigner, an alien to this world. But does this mean that he ought to live out of the world? No, he is in the world, for him to be out of the world would be to die. There's a problem with most Christians (me included) trusting in the Lord with all their hearts, minds and souls. I struggle with this. We fear to give the driving seat to God. We want to be in control of our lives. We fear God might crush us if we let Him take the whee